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We're So Glad You're Here!

WELCOMe TO Kingsview

A typical day at Kingsview Church is a day of smiles,

“How was your week”, but also “how are you” type of conversations, moments of reflection, singing songs of praise, and learning about how to genuinely walk with Christ, and how to make Christianity practical in your life. It’s a place of worship, reflection, and learning how to walk with Christ in a way that makes faith practical for everyday life. Whether you’re new to faith, returning after time away, or looking for a church home, you are welcome here.

begin here

Kingsview is a church with all walks of life represented!

Kingsview is a multi-generational, multi-ethnic church that reflects the beauty of the
Gospel. No matter your background or stage of life, there is a place for you in this story. It does not matter what stage of life or demographic you find yourself in, you will be welcomed at Kingsview. 

A Culture of Serving

Kingsview thrives because of our strong volunteer culture. From teaching and worship to finances, leadership, elders, and hospitality, every part of our church is shaped by those who serve. We believe everyone plays a role in making Christ known to the nations.

Join Us for Our Next Service!

Coffee and Conversation


9:30 AM



10:45 AM

Wednesday Night


6:30 PM