Come and See

How Kingsview Connects People to Christ

Connecting You to Christ

Below you can find the various ministries we offer and their schedules

Coffee & Conversation

Join us on Sunday mornings for faith-based discussion over meaningful real-world problems. Teen Groups, Elementary Classes, and Nursery are available.

Sunday Worship

Sundays at Kingsview are filled with praise and worship of Jesus Christ through music and the teaching of God's word. Elementary Classes and Nursery are available.

Discipleship Groups

Our Wednesday night Discipleship Groups consist of studying God's word together and its impact on our lives in either our Men's group or our Women's group.

Teen Bible Study

Our Teen Group meets at the same time as our Discipleship Groups. Teens are challenged with Biblical teachings to help them navigate their faith in a broken world.

Kids Lessons

Our Preschool and Elementary Classes learn who God is through meaningful activities and lessons. Classes available on Sunday Mornings and Wednesday nights during regular service times.

Community Groups

Community Groups are a Sunday Evening ministry that meets on a semester basis to engage in community with other believers through a meal and dive into Scripture with like-minded people to develop a strong faith. Community groups are divided into a 35 & younger group and a 36 & older group.